Saturday, November 11, 2006

omg, LARGE!

As you can see, the conversion to 32x32 tiles is completed for the existing build. The are a few issues with the enlarged tiles, which probably already were in the previous builds, but never showed up due to the small size of all the objects:
  • Sometimes, when 2 units overlap each other partially, you'll see a strange alpha overlay. Not sure how to fix this, but I'm looking for a solution
  • Some of the images didn't get through the enlargement process very good. For instance, the Ornithopter looks VERY good, while most of the infantry units are broken. They need to be fixed, but the problem with that is that I need someone good at pixel art to do that. And to be honest, I suck at pixel art.
  • I decided to go with the standard D3DXSprite as it is. I currently load each image, replace the colors in the image, and then write the image to a texture. The biggest downside of this all is that it takes a lot longer to load all the data. I need to fix this.
Currently, this is my to-do for now(Chronological order):
  • Re-write movement code
  • Weapons in game
  • Weaponry to rules.ini
  • Handling of device lost
  • UI components
First thing for now to do is to re-write my movement code. It's not very well written, and it has issues with movement, as it almost always reserves tiles the unit shouldn't be moving over while moving diagonally. This mean that it usually just uses the tiles left/right to the current tile for 2 or 3 pixels, and then continues onto it's target tile. Result: If that tile was in use, the unit occupying it is removed. It renders itself, but it' no longer selectable/attackable/whatever.

After that, I'll add weapons and combat in. Lots of work to do.


lubos said...

any news? when you plan any demo or something? btw nice project :p

Anonymous said...

any chance of another update, or new post?