Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bugtracker update #1

I haven't done a whole lot of research on bugtrackers in the past days, but that's because I've been doing some other things aswell(Like snowboarding the entire day. Yes, in the middle of the summer.). However, I can do some reporting on things I've done.

First of all, I installed Mantis. Since I already had an instance of Apache running, I could just install PHP for it, install MySQL and voila, done. After that I added a few bugs to the system to see how it works and looks.

A few downsides of Mantis:
  • Documentation on the site is lacking
  • The My View is kinda cluttered
  • Not possible to assign a bug directly to a developer while reporting it(Actually, you can, but you need an advanced report for that)

But, it also has a few nice features:

  • Easy to install(Just open the index page)
  • Detailed report information
  • Multiple projects in 1 database
  • Projects can be made (in)visible to certain users, users can have roles in projects

So far, I like Mantis. But, I still have to look into a glue system to glue it into SVN(Which is out there), since it's pretty nice to be able to link repos updates directly to bugs.

I also made a start with installing Trac, but that requires quite some more work...

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