I've been without internet for a full 3 weeks, and I have a vacation job, so I don't have an awfull lot of time to spent coding. However, I did keep track of my development log while I was offline, so here are my notes for the past 3 weeks(Not a lot, since I didn't have much time to code):
Sunday 16th july 22:33 :I've done more coding today and I've ran into a few problems, did a few changes and gave stuff some thoughts.
I have to work out movement a bit better, because at the moment units are constantly calculating a new path to follow when entering a tile after reserving it.
Also, I ran into a trouble when rendering the selection: When the position has numbers after the dot, the selection marker will be (partially) faded. Solving this is quite simple: Make sure the X,Y positions of the marker don't have any numbers after the dot. That's not very difficult, but adds some more pointless information, and I don't wanna resort of a new Vector3 every render loop.
It all takes more time than I anticipated, so I think it's gonna take ages before I can start adding buildings, and/or UI components.
Sunday 16th july 00:43:I haven't had much time to code friday and most of the saturday I've been away, but tonight, I finally managed to get movement working properly.
It involved quite some changes, such as adding a SceneManager to maintain all objects on the map, and coordinate them. At this moment, movement is veru rudimentary: The unit itself moves to the middle of the last tile in it's path without actually facing the correct direction or reserving tiles.
That is my next step: Have units rotate their nose in the correct direction, and then move. After that, I need to have the SceneManager(SM) update the tiles correctly, and allow units to mark a specific tile are 'reserved'. A reserved tile means that a unit marked the tile to move to it. Not doing this might result in multiple units occupying the same tile.
After that works, I'll do a new commit and start working on optimizing map rendering a bit. After that, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do first: Harvesting and weapons. I probably go with harvesting, because the harvester is really cool, esp. with the sand falling out of it in the back ^_^.
Anyway, a bit back to work and then I'm off to bed again.
Thursday 13 July 23:30:I've decided to write a development log offline until I have internet access on tuesday next week, and then publish these notes in 1 single blog entry.
OVer the past days, I've done quite some work, and it payed it off. New additions to the game at this moment in time are(Taken from this morning's SVN commit log):
- Added PathFinding
- Added a test map for pathfinding
- Added batch file to extract current Revision
- In-game now FPS and current revision is visible
- Added a GameObject class
- Derived Unit from GameObject
- PlayState now keeps track of all units
- Added a UnitFactory which spawns new units
- Added the graphics for quad, trike, harvester, light tank and siege tank.
- Created a rules.ini to contain definitions for units
- Re-organized DuneRemake project
- Added hotspot to mouse
Over the day, I also added the graphics for the Devastator, Deviator, Sonic Wave Tank, MCV and Rocket Launcher. Due to some errors in the spacing, I had to re-do the Devastator image, but everything works fine now.
Also, I added a new class called TurretedUnit, which is basicly a tank with a turret(Duh, like you couldn't figure that out). It relies on the base Unit class to draw the tank base, and then draws the turret on top of it.
Now that I added the graphics, I'm thinking off a way to store the units in the map so they can move properly. My main problem is that I currently can't think of a way to store both units and aircraft/sandworms in a tile. Because, there can be a carry-all hovering above a unit to pick it up, and a sand worm underneath preparing to have lunch. I gave an ArrayList or List
a thought, but I'm not sure. It would cause a lot of additional overhead, which isn't very good for performance.
I am planning on adding a global GameObject list to keep track off all game objects, and using that to update them all. Having to walk a 200x200 map just to update a total of 8 objects isn't very efficient.
I technically COULD walk the list twice, check if said object is within the viewport, and if it is, render it. Or while updating all game objects, place the objects that are within the viewport in a 2nd list and when rendering, only render those objects.
On the matter of pre-mature optimizations: After I got units moving over the map fine, I'm going to change the code for the rendering of the map. I'm going to render the visible viewport map to a texture, and only when it changes, I render it again to the texture. At the current screen size, rendering it tile-by-tile, it takes 1200 render calls. Changing that to only 1 call will increase performance a bit.
That's it for tonight. It's 23:47 now, and I think I'm going to take a shower and crawl against my girlfriend in bed. No screenies for today, sorry!