Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More info tomorrow!

I'm writing this in my bathrobe as I'm preparing for bed, but I got quite some ideas. I intend to work these out a little bit more tomorrow(Technically today, but it's tomorrow since I haven't slept yet :P) in a blog post, and try to examine the different possible solutions. Especially geared towards the networking engine.

I shall also try to explain my current personal situation and the amount of time I have at hand to work on the project, because I also need work 16 hours a week, and have class.

On a sidenote, someone commented that I used the term "fans", and said some of them are interested onlookers. I never meant this in the way of, "wooo, I got sum fans lol!", just as a little joke / term to described people interested in the project. But, the onlookers and die-hard Toolmaker fans(The ones having my name tatoo'd all over their body), rest assured, I shall try to work on the game a bit :). Good night for now.

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