Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bug fixes, loads of them!

While technically still in development I hunted down and squashed a load of bugs in the past few days. Having a laptop and being able to work in the train is awesome. Every now and then I see people take a peak at my screen to see what I'm doing. Earlier this week there was a guy who just kept looking at my screen, and back outside, back to the screen, etc. Esp. when I fixed a little thingy and ran the game again to see how the changes worked out.

First, the list of bugs I managed to strangle(For those not interested, skip down, there's imagery there).
  • Fixed bug where buildings would be placed 1 tile to the left and 1 tile up
  • Lowered scrolling threshold to be Tile.Size / 2(So scrolling only happens on the edges, instead of 1 complete tile)
  • Fixed bug where you could order buildings to move/attack(Would cause crash)
  • Dragselection rectangle / Building placement rect don't show up when hovering over UI components
  • Renamed Radar to Outpost(Needed for Reflection to work)
  • Fixed bug where placement rectangle would be rendered OVER UI components while while the mouse was outside the component
  • Buildings can no longer be added to the building manager of a different owner
  • Fixed debug log text
  • Added a little bit more debug output
  • Fixed an issue where the CheckMouseOver() function would read out of bounds
  • Fixed an issue where the mouse handling code would respond to mouse clicks in the UI
As for the new feature: I added concrete slabs. Not very special as you can see below, but still, it's in. I think the next step to this is to allow buildings to build units. After that I think it's time for refineries to 'order' a harvester reinforcement.

I also noticed that the revision number updates weirdly... I have a pre-compile step which runs an svn lookup batch file to determine the revision of the repository, turn that into a sexy class with getter and store it all. However, it doesn't always(read never) run when compiling. Pretty weird, and annoying. Probably only runs on a full re-compile, so I usually just run the batch file manually after commiting my code. Not the best solution, but it works.

I also started committing more often, since I used to do too much work between commits. If my laptop would either explode or get stolen, I would probably lose a week or 2 of work. Not really that appealing...

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